Integra boasts superior skills when it comes to looking at wastewater treatment processes.

Trade waste includes all wastewater with the exception of sewage. Production and manufacturing plants in Australia are required to enter into a trade water agreement and can either re-use or discharge into the environment under the regulations of the EPA and/or trade waste agreements.

Water is utilised across many industries during the manufacturing process. It is during this process that the water becomes contaminated through exposure to biological, chemical or physical contamination.

Waste in water can be in the form of either soluble or insoluble. The contaminants therefore either dissolve or can’t be dissolved. This means the removal of the contaminants is a different application.

Those that are insoluble can be removed by a physical process, and is generally removing solids, grease and fats. The removal of soluble contaminants is treated by chemical removal. The process generally involves changing the composition to become insoluble.

Our dedicated and specialised staff possess comprehensive knowledge and experience. Combined with our extensive service background, we have developed packages that are designed with maintenance, service and operational costs considered for the long term. Our focus is on Whole-of-life (WOL) as well as capital cost-conscious.

Integra have our own specialised team to install and commission our water treatment solutions. We can install plants to any metropolitan area through to the most remote corners of each State in Australia. We will also build custom plants – specific to a project or application. Talk to one of our staff about the options or projects for some free advice. Talk to our staff about the options available.

Integra’s aim is to have extremely strong working relationships and long term associations with our customers. Our preventative maintenance agreements (PMA’s) on wastewater treatment and are performance effective programs. Our commitment to the Service and Technical back-up we provide, we believe, is second to none.

Our years of industry experience help us utilize past knowledge and to evaluate and compare to anticipate the right design to meet your application and even go as far as designing the serviceability into the package.

The Wastewater Team offer a site-specific approach and the main services provided include, but are not limited to:

•    Raising wastewater plant performance, delivering compliance to licensed discharged limits

•    Implementing primary, secondary or tertiary treatment improvement programs

•    Plant operation, scheduled service and maintenance

•    Plant augmentation, including review, design and implementation 

All systems are integrated to provide the best possible economic and environmental outcome for our clients. Adherence to the local regulatory requirements is foremost in our applications, ensuring that our customers are complying with the States specific regulations.

A ‘total package’ approach combines programmed servicing, field testing, laboratory analysis, chemical supply and delivery, dosing equipment and control.

Our aim is to give you maximum value from unparalleled service, low running costs and optimal plant performance
